There are holidays one spends half year planning and there are getaways so effortless one almost feels guilty it happens. Mallorca became of the latter ones to us - almost like a weekend in the hometown. One goes there because it is not terribly exciting, you know your way around it and, although usually slightly boring, still has the potential to surprise one. To summarize – quiet time but not tucked in on the sofa.

We did not need to wake up at the ungodly hour to get to the airport (thanks haven for City airport), but were in Palma early enough to have 3-day weekend. Within the first half of an hour forecasted rain had vanished into digital abyss and we were left to roam the seashore for as long as we could bear it.


Then the usual Palma, Deia, Port Valldemossa with a little bit of less usual Pollensa, Banyalbufar & Estellencs had happened to us.  All very quiet, all left to locals.

Flights City to PMI with BA on STA Travel; Hotel Marina Luz half board double room with pool view for 2 nights £123; Es Baluard museum costs s much as you think it is worth on Fridays; Mini convertible for 2 days 60eur+40eur on petrol; Lunches, coffees & drinks ~ 200eur