Easter weekend could not have been more different from the one we had last year (including the weather). It's funny, how certain thoughts, admirations or interests tend to repeat itself in cycles. I do not think I've relived passed journey so vividly ever before. Nor in fact there were any circumstances that have brought it up, apart from maybe something very obvious  - it's been a year since we visited Argentina. Perhaps it's the first trip of this kind to us and you do not forget first times easily, perhaps we liked it a lot more than we thought or perhaps we are so desperate to experience the warmth that we would cling to any of such memories coming our way. Of course it might have been just a coincidence and the closest to Argentina I've got this time was only by imagining my steps there, while reading Meet Me Under the Ombu Tree and Bad Times in Buenos Aires, but nevertheless we've enjoyed (and continue to) daydreaming about it and while doing so went to Indre's parents for the day of egg eating. :)

Lithuanian cuisine turned French (although not entirely) on Mon. L'Eto in Belgravia is our new favourite place for lunch,  their custom teas and HONEY CAKE!!!  THE CAKE  (it is really 'the cake' and not just any) was as good as home-made in LT! Another nice memory relived :)
