Gay or straight we all are humans and we all long to be loved. The joys and woes one encounters are not down to gender. This most recent play at Donmar is beautifully acted, witty, funny and at the same time sad. Lady Marie's of Downton suitor Julian Ovenden is
On Saturday we happened to stumble across the-best-place-to-be-in-the-good-weather also known as Dalston Eastern Curve Garden and did not leave until we were asked to. They serve pizza and all sorts of drinks for those that happen not to have buggies full of edible/drinkable treats. and then on THE day
Apart from now usual roof garden, vegetable beds, food stalls behind Queen Elizabeth Hall, seasonal fountain and beach-aka-sand box along the promenade, South Bank this year has lots of bright colours. Hight viability sort of colours that one cannot miss even being half blind. ...though you had to be slightly
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Grizom is Amerikos - buciau pelene, va taip ir jausciausi po dvyliktos: nei karietos, nei baliaus ir dar be klumpes. Dvi savaites atostogu mintyse istiso, ir koks Grand Canyon’as ar Yellowstone NP i pabaiga atrode, kaip pries menesius lankyti. Visa laika lyg lengvam laimes debesy prasiblaskem, truputi bijodami, kad
& the Big Sister is watching
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Ir sikart tik taip vos vos isvengem lietaus. Vargu vasara, tiem visiem stogams mums pasitaike (bet tai argi neisi). Bussey Building stogas Peckham'e: kai kurie kreslai vis dar slapi nuo vakarykscio lietaus (gauni maisiuka, kad uzpakalis nesuslaptu), sausu dekiu zymiai daugiau nei Queen of Hoxton (arba mes anksciau i vieta
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Hardly summer, but if we can do bbqs under umbrellas, why not a movie in the rain. Rooftop at the Queen of Hoxton it is.
Kiek balų iki saules? Dazniausiai tiek, kiek iki artimiausio lektuvo. Sestadienio paryciais buvo kokie trys olimpiniai baseinai, ir tada jau sketis per borta. Siltas vejas ir saule - nerealu. Itariu, net jei kasdien kiaurus metus butu lygiai taip pat silta ir sauleta, vistiek nepabostu. Lisabona nepabodo. Ir ne tik del
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